Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

The chronology of The Tragedy of The Relocation of Sampang refugees, Thursday, June 20, 2013:

The  chronology of The Tragedy of The Relocation of  Sampang  refugees, Thursday, June 20, 2013:

Istiqosah held outside The Sport Stadium. After it was finished, approximately 10 Wahabbies scholars going inside the Sport Stadium and shouting Kafir” to the refugees who were reading the Qur'an.

 They then seek Iklil (The refugees coordinator) and then this coordinator dragged out by the Civil Service Police Unite.  All this HUMANITY CRIME  were witnessed by the Vice Regent of Sampang.

Iklil forcely excluded from The Sport Stadium and it was  cousing the refugees loses command. Finally the refugees  can  easily dragged out from the Sport Stadium, forced up to the  vehicle that has been provided and then relocated to Sidoarjo.

 They shouted, "Put us down! We want to go home!" But, the shout just  pass this criminals  by.  And they 'were again relocated. That is, the right of living on their own land 'had been confiscated,  just like the  Zionist depriving the homeland of the Palestinian people.

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