Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

The chronology of The Tragedy of The Relocation of Sampang refugees, Thursday, June 20, 2013:

The  chronology of The Tragedy of The Relocation of  Sampang  refugees, Thursday, June 20, 2013:

Istiqosah held outside The Sport Stadium. After it was finished, approximately 10 Wahabbies scholars going inside the Sport Stadium and shouting Kafir” to the refugees who were reading the Qur'an.

 They then seek Iklil (The refugees coordinator) and then this coordinator dragged out by the Civil Service Police Unite.  All this HUMANITY CRIME  were witnessed by the Vice Regent of Sampang.

Iklil forcely excluded from The Sport Stadium and it was  cousing the refugees loses command. Finally the refugees  can  easily dragged out from the Sport Stadium, forced up to the  vehicle that has been provided and then relocated to Sidoarjo.

 They shouted, "Put us down! We want to go home!" But, the shout just  pass this criminals  by.  And they 'were again relocated. That is, the right of living on their own land 'had been confiscated,  just like the  Zionist depriving the homeland of the Palestinian people.



Is it a big sin to be the minority in this country? Isn’t it a multicultural country?  What is this people’s  foult? ALLAH SWT said “ LA IKRAHA FID DIIN” (No Force in Religion) . Then why, this people has to be forced to leave their own home, their own land just becouse of they have a lil bit differentness ?

After In August 2012, the settlement of this followers of Shia Islam in Karang Gayam village,  Omben Bluuran,  Karangpenang  attacked by some armed group , caused one death and six others injured, Also after total of 47 housing units owned by the adherents of this Islamic sects get  burned, including madrasas and mushalla belonging to them, until they have to be evacuated in a sport stadium,  and after almost a year this innocent people become  refugees in their own country, despite of let them go back to their own home and their own land, They AGAIN GET ATTACKED..! so unfairly forced to be relocated to another place! Away  from their own home.

Where is the Democration? Where is the Freedom? Freedom to have the faith? What is the matter with the Goverment? Why the Goverment can’t protect their people? Why they support the oppressor? Why they let some provocator collecting people and arrange again and again this kind of mob attack?

How redicilous that the Regent of Sampang,Fannan Hasib, the one that should protect ALL the people under his Govermental, can stupidly said,

 “We can do nothing about it because the majority of the people demand the Shia community be kicked out of Sampang. Local religious leaders have also supported the demand. I will soon file a request to Governor Soekarwo to issue an ordinance to make it legal for us to relocate them,”

This Sampang Regent Fannan Hasib have to take the responsibility of this hate campaign held by more than 1000 people today, June,20 2013.

After all the hardship which  the Shia in Sampang have to face, such as to  become refugees, to deal with starvation, to have the desease risk , can’t go anywhere , Now again they have to be forcely relocated....? 

and how after this? 

 if This people agree with this forced relocation, and one day, DUE to the fact that this Shia people is the minority, are they again have to be forcely Relocated...? how many times it will have to be happen? And Where are they have to go?

(Nargis Aliya)

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Pernyataan Mantan istri Qaradhawi, “Syeikh Qaradawi adalah agen Mossad"

Pernyataan Mantan istri Qaradhawi,  “Syeikh Qaradawi adalah agen Mossad"

Asma Ben Kada Aljazair MP, yang sekaligus adalah mantan istri Syeikh Yusuf Qaradawi, mengatakan bahwa mantan suaminya adalah seorang agen Mossad.

Asma Ben Kada mengatakan, Sheikh Qaradawi, yang saat ini menjabat sebagai presiden Uni Ulama Muslim Internasional, pernah melakukan kunjungan ke Tel Aviv pada awal 2010. Dia menambahkan bahwa mantan suaminya itu memiliki  hubungan rahasia dengan dinas intelijen Zionis dan sangat fasih berbahasa Ibrani. Karena itulah, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani tertarik pada  Syeikh Qaradawi.

 Asma Ben Kada juga menambahkan, bahwa pada kenyataannya, Emir Qatar ini mengambil keuntungan dari posisi Syeikh Qaradhawi dalam Liga Muslim Dunia, untuk menjalankan proyek AS-Zionis yang digagas di Knesset. Sumber yang sama mengatakan bahwa Syeikh Qaradawi telah menerima sertifikat penghargaan dari Kongres AS, di mana zombie-zombie Zionis adalah mayoritas nominasi sekaligus penerimanya. Zombie- zombie yang mau dan mampu untuk melaksanakan proyek AS-Zionis di dunia Arab.

oleh N. J
